Overall If you’re craving some stealth sniping action that requires a lot of patience, now is a good time to check out Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3.ģ. The game also offers a good amount of weapon variety and gear upgrades. If you can look past the games technical issues and B-Movie storyline, it does have brilliant stealth sniping gameplay and fun missions to play through. It’s a good buy for $20 or less if you love the sniping games genre. Now that the game is older the price has gone down. This game held a $60 price tag when it was released, which is steep for what’s offered. The developers have fixed some of the games performance issues, but some bugs are still present. When the game launched it had a lot of glitches, bugs, inconsistent frame rates, and horrible loading times.
The game has some pacing issues and its story could have been more polished. I know Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 hasn’t received the best reviews, but it’s still a decent sniper game. * Other Good Games That Have Sniping In Them *.* Notable Games That Have A Lot Of Sniping In Them *.Sniper Elite V2 (Backwards Compatible On Xbox One)